Alpha Environmental specializes in the comprehensive abatement of asbestos materials from surfaces, ensuring that locations are thoroughly cleared of asbestos materials and fibers, thereby promoting safety and health in every environment.
Alpha collects bulk samples to check for “asbestos-containing material” (ACM) in buildings before demolition or renovation work starts. If any ACM is found, it is classified based on its hazard potential, and the areas are prioritized accordingly. Recommendations for removal, encapsulation, or in-place management are made depending on the hazard potential. Estimated quantities of ACM are also provided to calculate the approximate abatement cost.
Based upon the results reported in the Asbestos Building Survey, Project Specifications may be prepared so that the project may be bid to qualified contractors. Alpha is typically on-site throughout the abatement process to ensure full compliance with the Project Specifications and applicable federal, state, and local regulations. Alpha prepared asbestos and lead operations and maintenance (O&M) plans for the building management, real estate, and insurance community so that asbestos and lead materials may be safely “managed in place.”
Alpha prepared asbestos and lead operations and maintenance (O&M) plans for the building management, real-estate, and insurance community so that asbestos and lead materials may be safely “managed-in-place”.
Alpha routinely performs on-site 3rd party asbestos air monitoring and analysis concurrently with asbestos abatement projects according to the applicable rules and regulations. The company provides air monitoring services for quality assurance control and regulatory compliance during asbestos removal. On-site personnel are well-trained, certified, and experienced in asbestos control and management. Alpha Environmental uses NVLAP-accredited laboratories for analysis.